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Thank You!

They say, "Knowledge is Power." Up until now, I have relied on 3rd party tools and my imagination to put together the material that has gone in to this mod so far. With my limited knowledge, I was at the mercy of those 3rd party tools. (and the bugs they came with) Every once in a while, I learn some key things that really give me new powers to create with. Earlier this month, I learned a lot... and gained some new powers. And if it wasn't for you very awesome and sexy people supporting me, I wouldn't have got here. So thank you. Thank you for being here.

What's in a Name?

When I started this mod, I didn't have a lot of direction. I had a bunch of ideas but there wasn't a clear vision. Well, that is starting to change. As the dots are being connected, I can see what this is becoming. "Skarrd_Traits" was no longer representing what this mod has become. (There's a lot more than just traits now) So I needed a name that tells people at first glance, what this is. I am proud to introduce, the Perverted Expansion Pack.

New Changes this Month

  • The first major change is, I was able to remove the travel bug form the "fondling/groping addon" so those components were reintegrated with the main mod. 
  • I have continued to implement a "Super Buff" system, where, depending on the situation, some buffs merge in to a super buff. I'm not going to spend a lot of time right now explaining it as it is still being implemented but I'm sure you'll notice a buff or two here and there. (the goal is to eliminate similar buff that are on the same theme and combine them in to one more powerful buff)
  • Strip Poker game time has been cut in half.
  • A whole bunch of bug fixes and errors that were preventing a bunch of buffs and reactions and actions from working.
  • Another leap forward regarding autonomous behaviour around bar tending and drinking roles. 

Install Instructions

The first thing you are going to have to do, is remove ALL previous Skarrd_Trait files.


  • Skarrd_Traits 
  • Skarrd_Traits TS4script
  • Skarrd_DeviousAddon
  • Skarrd_DeviousAddon TS4script
  • Skarrd_Traits_FondlingGropingAddon
  • Skarrd_Traits_FondlingGropingAddon TS4script 



  • Skarrd_Perverted_Expansion_Pack
  • Skarrd_Perverted_Expansion_Pack TS4script
  • Skarrd_Perverted_Expansion_Pack_DeviousAddon
  • Skarrd_Perverted_Expansion_Pack_DeviousAddon TS4script

and place all files in to your "Mods" folder.

*Also note, if there is any confusion about how to "unzip" files, there is literally thousands of tutorials and tips already on the internet, so instead of asking about that here, punch your question in to your favourite internet search engine and ask it there. You don't want me wasting my time giving basic computer skill tutorials. You want me focused on the mod development.

Required files

Wicked Whims

XML Injector

Confused about some of the features? Check out the Playing Instructions 



Came across a relationship note: Took Advantage. What prompted this?


Over the past few months I have been attempting to implement a system of "taking advantage" of a drunk sim. (by a sober pervert) It's not ready and is still lacking. I must have left one of the social interactions in the mod this last update by mistake.


It's there, just don't know what triggered it. Just a heads up I suppose.