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This is the ever changing, constantly evolving master plan. Some things in this this are possible and just needs time. Some things, may not be possible but I'm going to f*ck around and find out. note* This list is in no particular order. Feedback welcome!


Wicked Whim compatibility. Has given access to a number of very cool features. Now when drunk, is no longer afraid to take off clothing in front of others and temporarily in to cheating or polyamorous activity.

  • The Devious trait gets an upgrade too. Using the "date rape" drug will result in sim "always accepting sex"
  • Basemental Drug compatibility. No more drinking buff for sims with either of Skarrds traits. Any other sim will still get basementals drinking buffs.
  • A number of bugs have been created by the latest game patch. Relationship bits marking events have disappeared.
  • A Strip Poker interaction. (including temporary autonomous stripping) **This is ready for release. Even though relationship bits don't show. April 2nd-5th
  • Addition of "Normal" trait. These sims would have the ability to get drunk and be drugged and receive buffs from a "normal" point of view. ***Release even though no buffs


High Priority : Travel Bug removal. (and eventual eradication) Now removed from compromising photos! (release May 2-5)

Pervert: sub traits: Devious, Stalker, Tease, Dominant (this Dom would be more the coercive type because of the compromising photos)

Additional Devious action - slip a Viagra in to a drink. (causing 8 hour erection) (release May 2-5)

Additional Devious action - make an extra strong drink. (jump to drunk)

  • Compromising photos options should be moved under the Devious Trait  (must remove travel bug first) (travel bug removed. play testing now. released with May 2-5th update)
  • Compromising photos : Suggest the model takes something off. (each time 1 item of clothing) Resulting an an autonomous choice for the model to take one, two, three or four items off.
  • New compromising photos option: "Keep it for my collection" where a collection of sexy photos can be kept (and counted) on a wall in the home. (Could the model/victim find them and "swipe" the picture back?


Normal: sub traits: (none) Buffs from "normal" perspective. Humorous opportunities to reflect on the extremes of the Perv and Awkwards.


Sexually awkward: sub traits: Naive, Submissive, Shy, Uptight, innocent

Notes: This sub trait would be more of the sex slave, coerced (with compromising photos)

  • From the compromising photos (bribery options) Develop Sex Slave Relationship.
  • -A "sex slave", should "always accept sex" with the master. (or masters friends?)
  • -A "sex slave", should always dance for the master when asked.
  • -If the master wants the "Sex Slave" to bring one of their friends, they should comply.

I want to develop "panties in a bunch/boxers in a twist mode" mode and enforce that they begin to submit more. Getting the sim to do things like walk around undressed and be embarrassed but not dress up until the pervert says it's okay too. "Who said you could put clothes on" Or, to strip on command or dancing in a state of undress. I was also thinking that once a sim is in "bunch/twist" mode, maybe a social interaction appears that you the player could choose between, "Get Dirty" or "Tease More" or "Be Meaner" or "Get weirder" and depending on the choice, changes the language used in the social interactions between those 2 sims from then on.. or possibly develop in to different relationships like a "grooming" stage.

Naive trait. Like the devious add on, the Naive trait would add new vulnerabilities to the Sexually Awkward trait like, if a naive sim got caught in the rain and got their clothing wet, a pervert could tell them to get out of their clothing before they get cold and they would. Or if its a hot summer, the pervert could tell them again to take their clothing off so they can cool down. Or accidentally spilling a drink on them to have an excuse to get them out of their clothing. Or during a storm "I'm so scared, can I sleep in your bed?"

The need for a strip search?

  • Shy trait: Just be embarrassed by perverted remarks and actions instead of getting tense.
  • Uptight: Just get tense by perverted remarks and actions.
  • Innocent: Could accidentally Roofie, KnockOut, DateRape, or Viagra a sim every time they make  a drink. (random chance beyond player control)
  • Make a social interaction category "drunk" and have drunk things to say in there.


Phobia traits: Being scared of erections. Or pain? Or being restrained?


Because of access to WW asking someone to give a strip tease when drunk. Still don't know how but think it's possible.  Oh it's possible. It's just clunky. Sim keeps sitting down in middle of show.

If a male sim has been getting sexually teased and hasn't been allowed to nut, they should remain hard. (erect)

A system of autonomous stripping that stops at underwear. (panties/boxers)

perverts convincing sexually awkward sims that something (like group sex or other racy activity) is normal and they are okay with it from then on

Embarrassing sims further by maybe "pantsing" them or stripping them while passed out?

A system of "taking advantage" of someone who's drunk. "You're so drunk.  Let me take care of you"

A system of getting drunk together that if it leads to sex, relationship bits to show "drunken sex" or something like that..

Proximity buffs while drunk. (completely overlooked so far)

Underage drinking. Teens asking for an adult to serve them drinks at a bar. "we're not old enough but will you bar tend for us?"

Teenage pervs dominating Sexually awkward adults. (I have a lot of ideas here.)

-starting with role reversal. (who's in charge here?)


Relationship evolution. Depending on how you treat a Sexually Awkward sim should have very different results. What if, instead of being a pervert and kinda mean, you're nice and develop a solid friendship and they become your boyfriend/girlfriend. They should act differently instead of offended all the time. But would still act that way around any other sim. (the perfect partner) The bar would half to be set pretty high though. This would lead to many unique social interactions.

Relations recognition. Related? Have incest trait?

Relationship bonuses for learning "drunk secrets" about a sim. Like their "sexual weakness". Each secret learned should give a bonus to romance between the sims. As should taking advantage or perverted behaviour should have negative multipliers. Once a sim has learned all the other sims secrets, new custom social interaction, "Orgasm on demand" or "Premature ejaculation"

More drunken embarrassing memories. "I acted so slutty last night", "Was I showing off my panties to that guy?" etc


Pervert on pervert interaction, "I was wondering if..." and then have a number of options like, "Fuck me outside", "Have a threesome", "Do me in the ass" and it would engage the interaction.

Perv on perv interactions that start to develop different relationships: BDSM, Cheating contest.

Story aids that give the player a choice in certain situations. "Do you want to have a threesome?" "Invite one of your friends over to watch us?" and have there be a chance that it backfires?

And innocent/naive sim adult would have the "you should take your wet clothes off" interaction until they learn/confirm sim is a pervert.


Have overlays on sims skin during sex like the sweat layers but instead have lipstick kiss marks that appear on different parts of the body depending on what kind of sex they're having. Or overlays like rosy cheeks to indicate when "very flirty" or "embarrassed" (horny and embarrassed blushing May 2-5)

A chance that you are asked while sexting to send a compromising photo and are blackmailed for it. If you don't pay all your friends get a copy.

sending the photo to the significant other to cause havoc with the relationship? Or celebrities? Effect their status? Blackmailed for much more?

There are many social interactions that need other versions done for their different drunk/drugged states.

Or maybe posting pic online, then every sim who sees it either heckles the sim or approaches them because they think they are easy. Or rumours?

5 o'clock shadow for males-remove in shadow

A pervert obsessing. The start of a stalker type... maybe achievement? (traits and proximities to keep track of a target. A social interaction that chooses the target to stalk)

Awkward on Awkward interaction regarding taking off clothing if naive for laundry, wet clothing, spilled drink. Intentionally spill a drink (success animation) and accidentally spill a drink. (fail animation)

Merge my web series Bimbo Squad in to mod using characters from series. www.bimbosquad.com

Create a system that allows sims to recognize the difference between only them being undressed while everyone else is dressed...  and everyone being undressed except the sim.. and everyone being undressed. and varying activities while in each state of dress.

Make spreadsheet with all buffs and activities and how to obtain them.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde character.

Fortune teller gives humorous vague fortunes.

A clutzy sim can possibly spill a drink on themselves setting themselves up for, "You should get out of those wet clothes" social interactions.

Sexual act preferences and dislikes. Buffs that reflect on the act they are participating in. For better or worse. (real time context)

A thief that can show up during the night and attempt to break in and steal stuff that the player can catch, and do what they want with?


Notes: (low priority as this is already available)  The Dominant/Submissive system here would be a traditional, consensual relationship. Building trust and Dom/Sub skill (that would lead to new options) and end in Master/Slave

Requires a Dominant skill and Submissive skill


Ember Skelly

How would you get the model to remove their clothing if they're not the active sim or in the same household for compromising photos?


Right now, the only options you have are 1) Using Wicked -> Naturalism -> Ask to get undressed (and repeat until they are dressed the way you want) OR 2) Engage them in a game of strip poker. The update coming in the next couple of days will have a new option specifically for the compromising photos.


So many great ideas, can't wait to see them unfold, you absolutely have to do the thing with the thief breaking in - both male and female like it works in WW with peepers. Good luck with all this stuff.


I was thinking that with the peepers and also Vampires sneak in sometimes too! I will hopefully figure it out. Thanks for the feedback!