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Here is the "Roofie Update". A bunch of new powerful tools for your pervert sim to get their way. Include the ability to get NPC sim drinking, knock them out or put them in the mood for anything! However, there can be consequences! Sim's can now remember the night before and may end up with regrets and embarrassing memories! (Unless of course you roofie them. Then they won't remember a thing!)

For more info, look at the end of the post: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/78165-sims-4-perverts-get-drunk-lost-inhibitions-now-available/#comment-1901725

***A note on installation. Just let the new file overwrite the old one. You won't have to reapply the traits to the sims you already have. You'll just be able to pick up where you left off, just with the new features!

Also, to my wonderful patreons in the "Lunch Support" tier. Please cancel that tier and join the "NEW Lunch Support" for a price reduction! I can't do it for you!

Below is a .7z file that contains the .ts4script file and the .package file. I've also uploaded the files uncompressed for anyone having troubles using the .7z compression utility.



Thank you, I already have the program that unzips files. But the problem for me is, when I download the file. It is not zipped, or compressed. So there’s nothing to unzip. I’ve read through the lovers lab from post several times hoping to find a solution…. But the only thing that I can come up with, is that it does not contain a script file…


Hmmm. I can only promise that the file that is here, has a sims 4 package file and a . Script file. I know because I zipped them up in there and everyone has been downloading it. As soon as I’m back home I’d be able to send you the file directly. Unfortunately I am away from my computer till the 28-29 or so. I would attempt to download again because everyone else got a 7z that must be uncompressed to receive the files inside.


Thank you for the mod! Can i check if i am missing any other files other than the one that are listed above? I could not get my sims to sit down at the bar whenever i select the devious options. They would get up and walked away before the drink was done.


There won’t be any missing file that would cause that. The sims4 has a system of influence where there are always a number of activities they can “choose” to do. When a devious action is chosen, the motivation to choose to make a drink and drink a drink, are maximized. However, that doesn’t guarantee the action. There could be a whole bunch of reasons why the sim isn’t drinking. I am getting more familiar with the forces that direct a sims choices but it always seems like there is no guarantee. I have placed a relatively short time limit on the function so maybe I need to increase it. These are the things that I will be trying to refine as this mod gets play-tested. Because there’s any number of situations in which you could access the devious options, it will be difficult to know if why they aren’t completing their drink. Depending on the distractions that are available to the sim may override their desire to drink. Even with my play testing it wasn’t flawless but I found it would be working most of the time. But, that’s the sims. You can always manually control the sims and not wait for their autonomy to kick in.