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Ver 1.7.0

New Additions

So now you can be a Perverted Sex Maniac, a Devious Pervert or a Deviously Perverted Sex Maniac.. may you have mercy on your sims.

-Added a new trait: The Sex Maniac. All of the clothes ripping powers, none of the regrets. Pervert trait required. Compatible with the Devious trait. Not Compatible with the Sexually Awkward, Naive and Unflirty traits. The trait can be added by purchasing it from the reward store. Can also add the trait to other sims in game by clicking on the sim and navigating to Actions->Pervy Options

NOTE Although only Sex Maniacs can now initiate "Ripping clothes off" interactions, Perverts can counter attack and attempt to rip the attackers clothes off. (*See "Ripping clothes off" section below for a list of changes.)

-Added "Random Drunken Thoughts" a system of random buffs that shift a drunk sim between flirty and dazed emotions. Unique buffs for Sexually Awkwards and Pervs and have the attraction condition because they are very sexual.


I have created 2 versions of

-"Will you drink with me?" by a pervert adult (YA, A, E) to teen.

One version has a lower level of autonomy. So its there by default and could happen. But the other version, who's autonomy has been cranked up, doesn't become available until the player uses the new interaction: "Is there anything you want to do?" This new context system will be tested by you and me over the next (few) months. Feedback welcome.

-Sexually awkward sims are prohibited from purchasing the "Carefree" and "Shameless" traits from the reward store as both embarrassment and being tense plays a huge role in the proper operation of the trait. If the players had previously purchased these traits, they will be removed automatically with no refund and they will from now on be unavailable. (**creator note: If anyone has had any trouble in the past with certain things not working correctly, this may have been the problem.)

Custom Drinks

-Added "Nipple Hardner"- This drink will give any female sim very hard nipples as well as the typical alcoholic effects.

-Added "Panty Heat" - This drink makes the undergarments worn by females hot and steamy as well as the typical alcoholic effects.

Ripping Clothes Off

-Now when attempting to rip clothes off other sex maniacs results in a chance of failure. They may rip your clothes off and you may rip their clothes off or everyone can lose.

-Ripping clothes off is now individual items. You could rip a shirt off, you could rip pants off or you could rip off both or you could fail and not rip anything off.

-Added New Social Interaction for Sex Maniac: "Try to rip {1.SimFirstName}'s top off!" Becomes available if the sims bottoms have already been ripped off.

-Added New Social Interaction for Sex Maniac: "Try to rip {1.SimFirstName}'s bottoms off!" Becomes available if the sims top has already been ripped off.

-Added 3 new briefs for men as underwear that has a chance of appearing when pants are ripped off. (NOTE* Must Download the new File Required: Skarrd_Lingerie Basket)

-Added 1 new panty for women as underwear that has a chance of appearing when pants are ripped off. (NOTE* Must Download the new File Required: Skarrd_Lingerie Basket)

-Added 1 new brassier for women as underwear that has a chance of appearing when shirts are ripped off. (NOTE* Must Download the new File Required: Skarrd_Lingerie Basket)

-The Player can Rip other Sims clothes off at anytime as long as they meet the bare minimum conditions. (Both sims must be standing)

-The Sex Maniac can still autonomously attack other sims if:

⦁ -They haven't met. (no introductions yet)


⦁ -Added "Harassment" context to autonomous cloth tearing. If the Sex Maniac sim is known to the victim (have met), the Sex Maniac sim must harass the victim to embarrassment AND by asking about their underwear/crotch at least once during harassment for the "rip clothes off" interaction to become available..


⦁ -Added "Drunk" context to autonomous clothes tearing. The Sex Maniac sim must be at least drunk before attacking another sims clothes.

Realm of Magic

-Clothes will now disintegrate off wizards who overload.

-Now there is a chance (20%) that a wizard will disintegrate clothes when discharging.

Pervy Options *click on any OTHER sim in the game->Actions->Pervy Options

-Added option to turn on/off blushing caused by alcohol and embarrassment.

Underage Drinking

-Now teens can drink alcohol when no adults are looking. If no adults are watching a teen can make drinks and drink them. Just don't get caught.


The following entries represents a couple of things. First, the finishing of the interactions. (like, adding missing attraction conditions and missing trait responses) These are DONE. Also, I have added a new "emotional based response" system to (most of) these interactions, so depending on the mood of the sim these interactions are being said too, results in a much more contextually accurate response. Also it adapts to how the player plays. It keeps things, surprising. This may need adjustments which will become apparent with play testing.

  • -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the pervert interaction, "Describe sex act."

  • -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the pervert interaction, "Tell perverted story."

  • -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the pervert interaction, "Make perverted joke."

  • -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the pervert interaction, "Say something perverted."

  • -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the pervert interaction, "Your breasts are beautiful!"

  • -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the pervert interaction, "Nice dick!"

  • -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the pervert interaction, "Your bra shows through your shirt!"

  • -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the pervert interaction, "Your tight pants are sexy!"

  • -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the pervert interaction, "Are you staring at my crotch?"

  • -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the pervert interaction, "Were you staring at my breasts?"

  • -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the sexually awkward interaction, "Your bra and panties are pretty."

  • -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the sexually awkward interaction, "I like your sexy panties."

  • -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the sexually awkward interaction, "Hey! I'm supposed to be in charge!"


-Vampiric Sparring with a pervert will rip the sims clothes off.


-Remove all "Rip Clothes Off" interactions from the Devious trait. (Clothing Disintegration for wizards will only require the Pervert trait)

-All ripping off clothes interactions have been changed to "Try to rip off (sim's name) clothes"


-All "Rip Clothes off" interactions are autonomous again.

Bug Fixes

-Fixed a number of Proximity Buffs that weren't recognizing Disintegrated clothes or Ripped off clothes.

-Merged a number of obsolete "Gender Preferred" proximity buffs with new and improved "Attracted too" buffs and deleted the redundant ones.

Required files

Wicked Whims

XML Injector

Skarrd Bra and Panty



Confused about some of the features? Check out the Playing Instructions



I've been having fun with the more recent versions of your mod, and it's been a lot of fun! I'm still experimenting with naive and sexually awkward traits. The Sex Maniac trait looks like it's going to be even more fun.


Thanks for that. The mod has been moving in the right direction I think. Lots of great stuff coming.


How do I remove the blush? I tried clicking on another sim by going to actions the perv options but it’s not giving me an option to remove their blush when they get embarassed


I believe there were some errors with that action which has been brought up to my attention. That whole thing has been redone for the next update. For now, it may have to be a Sexually Awkward sim that has to be clicked on to get that option.