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Hi everyone! I got around to tracing the selected designs! You'll notice that some of the colors shifted around, and that's mostly to accommodate for the yarn colors I have available to me. In particular, I went for a more traditional Eevee color palette because most of the brown yarn colors I have tend to be more yellow-tinted than red-tinted. The colors still may shift around a bit as I find the best color matches, but they should (hopefully) not be too far off from these renders. I'm looking forward to making them!

I will say though — some of you may have seen on IG yesterday, but I have been under the weather since Monday. Thankfully I don't have COVID, but it does mean I'm running behind schedule, and it's going to be a tight window to get these rugs finished in time. I'll do my best to make it happen, and let you know if there will be any delays. I'll also do my best to get better asap! If anything, I'll make 2 drops happen in March, but that will be a last resort option. Thanks in advance for understanding! ♥




What is the actual link to the website? Want to make sure I am ready for February’s rugs.


So excited for these cuties! But feel better and take care of yourself first.


http://www.rugsbyjayglasss.com All of the rugs will be loaded on the home page!