Azariel Mistress of Darkness! #1 (Patreon)
The gods of light, despising death and violence and seeing an opportunity for love to triumph over evil, and the forces of darkness seeing it as an opportunity to salvage something from the fall of their champions agreed to a new form of victory. Victory by love!
The champion of light, upon vanquishing one of the followers of the dark ones must then pleasure her with an act of love making. If successful in this act the dark mistress will bear a child and her power will be transfered to this infant.
Thus light triumphs but the power of darkness may be born oncemore and the power of these dark chapions is not lost as it would be upon their deaths-But merely transferred.
We seem to have gone straight to the final boss fight. I wonder who the spymaster is? A goblin or a kobold perhaps. The assassin was no doubt a wererat and the generals were probably an orc, a gnoll and a minotaur maybe? As for the Vizier-A tiefling perhaps?
Maybe we should revisit these champions of evil in their battles with Sir Rodger Everard?