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 'Sexy Beam Cannon' pinups won rather handily, so now we just need to decide who's the target! Any male characters included will be gender swapped of course :)  Please suggest any characters you'd like to see and I'll add them to the poll :) I have half a dozen in mind already, but I'll take any suggestions :) 



I'm suprised they'd be gender swapped; Rath wanting to dodge some questions?


When it comes to preferences I tend to look at in in terms of %. Rath is about 70% interested in women and 30% interested in men-meaning he's a little bit bi but he's mostly interested in women. Being a bit drunk or encountering a man that he finds particularly attractive might well swing that ratio, but for the most part he prefers women -Hence males that get hit by his 'sexy beam' tend to get gender swapped.


Zeen-80% women, 20% men , Alice 60% women, 40% men, Kazu 75% men, 25% women and Vaznev 70% women, 30% men. Hey-Vaznev and Rath have something in common XD This is probably a very over-simplified way of looking at a very complicated subject, but it's better than nothing I guess ;)


If you're male then I guess Zeen is the toughest romance option in the BTB gang-Though not impossible. Just gotta make the right moves ;)


A six pack of fantasy stella and Goret's sense of masculinity, perhaps. The beer scooter will have him forget everything until he wakes up next to a gnoll. ;)


You know what they say. 'Drink a Skol-Bed a gnoll'. I'm not sure who says that but it rhymes so it must be true :)


Well ; i'm thinking for Goret and Yarost but maybe they're already selected ?) . Then Artimouse or Korax (the security chief) ^_^


Would be funny if Rath hit himself with it.


Rath is on the list. It's the sort of thing that might well happen to him. It has happened actually (though Zeen had a hand in that ;)).


But it's already happened to Rath : http://www.btbcomic.com/comic/pg25/ .............. XD , LOL and such


The Tanuki god


Of course, the SBC might malfunction halfway through the gender swapping process. Hilarity ensues!