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This is the basic layout I'm planning on using in my game. A basic RPG combat system. The main difference will be that enemies lose their armour as they take damage (similar to 'Dungeon Thief'). The protagonists will either be pacifist monks that do not believe in killing (warriors of the Tanuki) or perhaps a police force of some sort that disarm and capture rather than killing.

I'm probably going to set it in a wolrd similar to BTB (or perhaps even actually BTB) but I was also thinking about a 'Streets of Rage' style setting but with fantasy creatures-so orcs and gnolls and what have you but they'd be 80s dystopian street punks. 

I'm currently trying to decide between RPG Maker and Construct 2 in terms of what sort of program to use to make it. I feel like RPG maker might be easier (so might be a better option for a novice like me) but Construct 2 might be more flexible and would probably be more useful to learn in the longterm.

Let me know if you have any feedback, advice or opinions! :D 



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