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Kazu this time, Skarost next (as requested). If you have any requests for future challengers then speak up!

'Jinsi' -or-'Sexy Poker' is a popular passtime in Geopia. It's mostly played in less salubrious establishments or in highly exlusive private clubs. Any person may offer themselves up as a prize and if accepted , the establishment will advertise the 'prize' until enough challengers are gathered for a game to take place. The prize will normally fill out a document which acts like a contract. They agree to strip and have sex with a challenger or challengers if they are defeated whilst the establishment agrees that all challengers will fall within the criterea set by the prize (age, gender, species etc). The challengers must pay a fee (which varies based on the venue). Generally the venue gets half the fees while the prize takes the other half-Which he or she can use to gamble with if they wish. If the prize wins (all the challengers give up) then they keep the money they have won. If they lose they end up naked before the other patrons of the venue ('sexy poker is a big draw) and must spend a night with any challengers that are still in the game. Venues tend to select attractive individuals to act as prize to maximise the draw of spectators and challengers. Both genders can act as prize. Whilst female prizes tend to be more common there are some women's clubs that mostly have male prizes. One private adventurers club for women specialises in  the more exotic male-From goblins to dragons and everything in between.

The attraction for the prize is a chance to win a decent amount of coin and in many cases the thrill of the game. There is also the factor of having a sexual encounter with a partner (or partners) that fit into the paramiters of their enrty form. Some prizes have been known to lose on purpose whilst others gain fame and fortune as seemingly unbeatable gamblers. 

Many smarter gamblers that take on the role of prize keep the fee money and game with just their clothing as a stake. This lures in more challengers and lets them show a little skin-Thus whetting the appetite of future challengers and enhancing their fame. A great 'Sexy Poker' player must combine skill at the game with sexual desirability. Many a clever beauty or handsome huckster has made their fortunes in this way. Part courtesan and part professional gambler.

Challengers can range from any walk of life, but tend to have coin to spare-Or at least are so attracted to the prize that they find the coin to partcipate. They need enough for the entrance fee (which can be anything from a few gold crowns to hundreds or even thousands) and also money to stake against the other challengers and the prize. It is also acceptable for challengers to give additional finds to the prize (though half of such gifts must go to the venue). In this way a jealous challenger can price the other challengers out of the game.  Challengers are free to use whatever funds they have-Though many give up or run out of funds before they can reach their goal and spend a night of pleasure with their vanquished opponent.



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