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All assets used are courtesy of CrossheadStudios, used with permission.


Our heroes either awake within the wreckage of this crashed airship, or happen upon it in some way. The pilot did their best job to bring the ship down in an open area, but the ship still smashed into the mountainside and then violently skid closer and closer to the yawning chasm just ahead. With a bit of luck and no small amount of skill, the ship turned to its side and slammed into another rock outcropping, snapping the ship into three main pieces.


Broodling / Hatchling Tier Rewards

Dragon Guard / Ancient Dragon Tier Rewards


Here are some adventure ideas for your heroes!

- Pursue the Pirates: Our heroes were in their own airship in hot pursuit of enemy pirates. With a few lucky shots, the pirate vessel was disabled and it plummeted towards the ground below. After witnessing the entire harrowing crash, our heroes bring their own ship around and land out of sight. Disembarking, they move in on the wreckage in search of survivors, and the stolen treasure.

- Bumpy Ride: For some reason, our heroes found themselves as stowaways aboard this merchant vessel. Most of the ride was a breeze, until a terrifying thunder storm rolled in out of nowhere. A massive lightning bolt struck the engines and instantly fried them. With little else to do, our heroes brace for impact before inevitably being knocked unconscious. When they come to, there is fire all around, and many bodies of those less fortunate strewn carelessly across the dirt.

- A Chance Encounter: On a mission of little importance, our heroes hear a loud and strange sound coming from the sky. When they look up, they see the ship already on fire and pouring out smoke. It quickly disappears below the mountain ridge, followed by a loud explosion and a rolling crashing sound. Our heroes quickly rush to investigate what just happened.

- Future Sight: An important emissary is set to disembark soon upon an airship to another land, and our heroes have been retained as bodyguards for the journey. The night before leaving, they have a shared dream, a vision of a terrible accident that destroys the ship just hours after taking flight. It is up to our heroes to piece together the clues, and then manage to convince the emissary of the impending danger! 


If you enjoy my work, I would love it if you became my Patron today!

Patrons of the Dragon Guard and Ancient Dragon tiers also enjoy the Sunset / Night variants, as well as the pre-configured FoundryVTT file!



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