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Happy New Year!

Thanks to all of you for supporting me through that shit year, Patreon really did help and having the community there while isolating was awesome. I also got a decent amount of The Loyal Ones work done as well as tons of commissions. If you're not in the Discord yet please do jump in using this link: 


I've attached some pics I'm proud of for this year, and if you haven't checked out the new lore and art for TLO you can do that on the new site here:


This year has started out kinda weird; at the end of 2020 I got an interview request from the animation and VFX studio Animal Logic, and I guess now I'm a Concept Artist? For animated movies?

 This contract is pretty short to start with, just 3 months, and because it's pre-production I won't count on it being continued. Because of that I've decided to keep the Patreon running at the same time, and use my free time to keep all the rewards and community activities going. 

This might change depending on how much my time is eaten up - I might end up freezing Patreon billing during Feb and March. What this means is your membership will stay active, but you won't be charged anything during those months if I can't fulfill rewards. When the contract ends I'll go back to working on TLO and comms full time.

Let me know if you guys have any questions! I'm excited for the job and to share what it's like, if you ask and it's not covered by NDA I'll happily answer.

Hope your 2021 is 100x better than 2020~!



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