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My life got a bit hectic recently, sorry for the slower rate of updates and art. My partner and I needed to sort out our housing and do some family stuff.

Annoyingly it doesn't look like I'll get much of a break for the next 2 months, as I finish up a contract with full time hours. As such I've decided to suspend the Patreon until the end of September, since I don't want to be letting you guys down. I'll finish the various rewards for this month and then close up.

What that means for patrons is no payment will be drawn for those 2 months, and you can kick back knowing you're not wasting any money. I'll still be doing my streams and movie nights, and hanging out whenever possible.

I'm excited to come back full force in October and do a lot more art and hang out more ❤️ Thanks for understanding.

EDIT: On request, if you want to still chuck a couple bucks at me you can use this link  https://ko-fi.com/M4M01AB0C but please please do not feel you have to!


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