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Thanks everyone for your support! Thanks to my patrons I've had time to finish these guys, and the high-res files are here for download if you'd like one for a desktop bg or similar.

Here are the painting captions:


 Thralls are a slave race that were originally created to fight in endless border wars. Their population has grown, though, to the point where many are now employed in civilian work like construction and shipping. The human workers being crowded out by thrall-owning corporations are understandably unhappy about this. Unions can strike, but thralls stay on the job. 

Thrall's Birthday

 Thralls all have the same official ‘birthday’ because record keeping is lax. Over time it’s become a kind of mini-holiday. Children write cards in school, and people might give small gifts of food. These girls are visiting somewhere near the war front and just stopped a random thrall to put some flowers on him.

Because thralls are at a weird intersection of being slaves and being ‘the troops’, there are times where humans show them some very token respect.

 For more of the Loyal Ones universe see here: http://thralls.weebly.com/ 


Thrall's Birthday
Thrall's Birthday


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