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of constantly adding extra drawings to a set. It's been getting worse lately. 

The crossover idea originally was simply the base piece + 1 extra, until I added another, and another... and another..

And now its sort of a big set, which I'll split into 2 with some remaining pieces to go into next month

I'll have to change the plan, it'll be something like:

Crossover 1 -> Crossover 2 -> Xianyun 1

and then for next month:

(March 7?) -> Xianyun 2/Black Swan -> Crossover 3(remaining 2 piece set)

I'll try to kick the habit as I'm striving to do smaller sets or split big sets, otherwise I'll never get to draw Hanya or do polls again..

The first part of crossover set should be completed pretty soon. I mean it should've been done until I added 3 more drawings to the set, which already had 2 added drawings, now I have to finish one more to complete the first set. Sometimes I hate myself..


Luis Porras

Not sure what to say but, do what you think needs to be done.


Hey, it seems like we share the same habit lmao. Sometime I feel like something isn't enough, so I added more, BUT it's still not enough and its keep getting bigger and bigger. Same thing happened to me really often when I make a comic back in the day. I'd suggest to make it a bit more tidy; otherwise you'll ended up making 106+ pages of manga like me. I cannot help much though, because we're literally in the same page :(


That's true, I think it has something to do with having a narrative on top of the art so often it feels lacking when I stop at the foreplay so I feel the need to draw what comes next. I'm going to try splitting sets from here on as I don't really like posting only once every two weeks..


Too relatable amongst creators 🙏