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This is going to be a long one

First off, it has been a chaotic month, the gumroad ban had me spending a few days thinking about circumventions or alternatives, and I had some stuff cropping up the past week..

I couldn't draw as much as I wanted to, I'm really sorry I have to push works to the next month.

Right now I'm looking at pixiv booth for the digital storefront side of things, and perhaps drop a link in a text file besides the required censored content.

I've decided to get a MEGA pro plan and archive my stuff up there, and link supporters to it every last day of month instead of a gumroad pack. I'll try my best to keep it up for as long as possible. Its unfortunate because gumroad library was a great way to organise stuff.

It'll take awhile to start my booth, because I'll have to re censor all of them before uploading. IDK if I'll do the whole set since its exhausting or maybe I'll just put a few pieces censored and then put the mega link in a text file, hoping whoever buys it catches on.

Okay enough of that depressing s***, I've some previews for the upcoming stuff.

1) Black swan; tiny preview, because its quite close to completion. Its a 2 page piece with some comic/manga panels.

Basically its a reference to the part where she was with TB while he dived into dreamscape before she does, iirc she said something about being with TB to help tune his sensitivity to memoria. So in horny language, that means she sneakily does something to him (oral paizuri) while he dived.

The panel you see here is after she appears in the dreamscape, the evidence was still on her face, and TB draws the connection with his body feeling weird while diving, and gets furious as he had saved up for a threesome with M7 and mamako. This will be the set up for next time when he punishes/gets revenge on her..

2) A quick Acheron piece, will clean this up a little after finishing black swan. Part of my practice to make more simplified and rougher works, in a much shorter time. Will do more Acheron after this

3) A series of sketch for an idea I have for the Genshin Potion event. Its simply your average hentai plot where Aether concocts an enlargement potion.

While he has been rewarded by Lisa every night, there's still lingering resentment for always dumping work on him, and in the second pic he goes ham on her with his temporarily powered up 'debate club' as a form of horny revenge.

Its a good chance to throw in a Jean pic, and the last one is where the potion does not wear off even after the two are exhausted.. but fear not, for back up has arrived(IDK if I'll actually continue with the Cryo queens)

That's all for now, I'm really sorry, I really would have liked to finish more sets this month. For April I will do my best to put out more sets! I'll continue the adepti trio and black swan on top of the above sketches.


I think I'll start the older-genshin-characters-poll at the beginning of the month, so it can start cooking early.

Please comment any older characters you'd like to see, that I've not drawn before or have not drawn in a while(no lolis btw), I'll give it a few days before making the poll.

Oh and Keqing/Mona will be in by default, you don't have to suggest them




Missed this yesterday, I'd love to see some Yae Miko considering Ei's recent appearances just before and in the HSR crossover


Sorry to disturb everyone, I'm allowed to ask because I'm still confused after reading the available information. I joined as a membership in April, then can't I see full posts from the previous month?? Sorry, I don't understand because I'm new to using this application