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We're already into July, so it's time for another monthly update! We have updates on our two newest games, Dreambound and The Divine Speaker: The Sun and the Moon today.

Writing and editing

We have spent the past month heavily rewriting and editing sections of the prequel to flesh out some of the new characters. The original script was completed in 2019, so as you can imagine, as lot has happened with the story and characters since then-giving us a lot to update.

So, right now we are:

  • Changing from 1st person to 3rd person
  • Editing the original sections
  • Adding new content to the original sections
  • Writing the brand new sections

We're taking our time on this a little to make sure we get it right. It's been very enjoyable to revisit Aemyl and Caspian and to flesh our their journey.

Here's a little snippet from the extra story I've been adding to tie Aemyl and Caspian's journey into the new sections I have been writing. 


As you have hopefully noticed, we released the demo for the prequel last month! This contained the prologue and chapter one of the game. Emma is working on programming additional scenes at the moment featuring a certain Speaker named Lucius and our new character, Nicoli.

We plan to release a new beta soon with some additional scenes.


Fuyuure is currently working on two additional sprites - Argo (Nikos' older brother) and Nia (Raen's mother). These two feature pretty heavily in the latter parts of the game. 

When they are done, we plan to start work on CGs! 

Here's a little preview of Argo:

Argo is mentioned in passing in The Divine Speaker, but not seen since he's away on business. In the prequel, he is 20.

In the background department, Vui is working on a new location in Sid Caeham at the moment:

Lastly, please make sure to wishlist the game on Steam! The more we get, the better launch we should have :D 


Writing and editing

We're still planning out the last two routes of the game - in regards to writing, we have one chapter left to write for the first route!


Here's a little preview of the latest CG that Sinran has completed:

Sinran is working almost exclusively on CGs now, with only a couple of minor character sprites to be complete after our Kickstarter.


We released the demo for Dreambound for Patrons last month! It's the complete build, minus the finishing opening - which should be ready for our release next month. Exciting!


We plan to hold the Kickstarter for Dreambound in August... which is really soon, aaaah!

Right now we're super busy planning out the rewards and tiers. If there's something specific you want to see, PLEASE let us know! Now is the time :D 

We're definitely on a tight schedule. We need to get the assets created and get the page approved too, which can take a decent amount of time. We'll have more to share on the Kickstarter a little closer to the date!

That's all for this month! I hope you all enjoy July on our Patreon!


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