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The Divine Speaker

The Divine Speaker released in March, though as you know we still have the voice acting patch to release soon, which I'll write in more detail about below. We also decided to add some extra CGs at the same time as a thank you for your patience, which we'll have a sneak peek of today as well!


We'll be adding a couple of new CGs for the side couples, as well as one to each of Leos and Cyne's routes.

Voice acting

The Leos route has finished recording, and the Fawn route is set to be complete by the end of the week. What this means if we'll probably be releasing Leos' voice acting first, with Fawn's coming last. Our editor has finished splicing and putting the voice files in game, but unfortunately one of the actors had a slight mishap and has uploaded the wrong files while subsequently deleting the correct ones... which is obviously a major issue, as we're now missing two scripts, or around 60 pages of script. We're currently working out the best way to fix it quickly, so I appreciate all of your patience as we navigate the issue.


We released the OST for The Divine Speaker last month! Here's where you can grab it on Steam.

The Divine Speaker: The Sun and the Moon

Writing and editing

Editing wise, we currently have around 65 pages left to go. We were hoping to finish the editing by the end of April, however that's gotten delayed a little for a good reason...

We decided to add a whole new section to the prequel! I've been busy writing the new storyline, which will weave in with the current one which focuses on Aemyl and Caspian.

So, who will this new section be about? We'll meet a new face too, but it will be a look into the past of a certain somebody from The Divine Speaker who believes himself a God amongst gods.

How about a little teaser?

It starts off quite light hearted, but unfortunately that never lasts, does it :( ?


Of the 270 pages of the original script, currently we're sitting at around 120 programmed. Emma has been working on adding it all the dialogue, sprites and other art. Once she has caught up to my editing, she will then be adding music and sound effects, as well as giving it a quick test before we release an update to the beta.


We've decided to bring in a brand new background artist, Vui, who will be working on some BGs we need for the new sections of the prequel. This will also include a refresh for a couple of the other backgrounds! He is starting in the next few days, so expect to see some sketches soon!


Writing and editing

Dreambound writing has mostly been only a small amount here and there, since we decided to add new sections to the prequel. I'm only one writer, so I find it easiest to focus on one thing at a time. Soon I will be going back to writing and editing more on this project!

Here's a preview of the start of chapter two!


Sinran has finished up with a side character sprite and is now working on route CGs. We've posted the sprites for our MC Noah plus two love interests, Kaine and Ivan, so far. We'll soon be posting the last love interest, then a few of the other sprites we have complete.


We're currently adding a side character sprite to the build and finishing off the demo. The project is nearly ready for public release (demo-wise) but we will be holding off for a bit until the TDS prequel is complete and released, probably!

This is because we will have a Kickstarter for this project, and it's important for us to release the demo close to the time the Kickstarter will run. Hopefully we won't be waiting too long!


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