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Hello everyone!

It's already time for another monthly update. I feel like time is absolutely flying by at this point, ahead of our release next month. I haven't given an exact date yet, but expect somewhere between mid-late March. We'll have a proper release date very soon!

With that said and done, lets jump into the update:


Fuyuure spent most of last month working on NSFW artworks, as well as a couple of SFW ones. Lets look at some non spoilery crops and teasers:

We've also begun working with Shikama on our artbook cover!


We've been working on the artbook on the side, so it should be ready around the same time as the game releases. It will also be full of commentary and spoilers, so its best to look at it after you finish the game AT LEAST once, but probably finish all three routes beforehand.

We're going to include a route guide within the artbook, too.

Lets take a look at some previews:

It is currently 235 pages long, with many CGs/sketches left to add, so I imagine it will end up somewhere around 250 pages long. We'd also like to add some developer notes at the end!

Programming & Voice Acting

We spent last month adding a bunch of features (sometimes because one person asked for them... I suppose I had too much free time on my hands!). Lets go over them:

Streamer Mode

Streamer mode is quite simple - it's an option you can turn on in the settings menu to censor all NSFW images in the game. Of course, you can use it if you're not a streamer too... but mostly streamers were asking for this, haha.


As you can see, the censoring pretty minimal, so it's up to you guys whether you're happy to use that or not!

Voice acting toggle + individual voice toggle

Next are two features that work together, in a way.

As you know, we are first releasing the game without voice acting. We didn't want to delay any further while we were waiting for it.

In the end, we've decided to include the voice acting we have complete so far in the build - but defaulted off. You can decide if you want to play the game with what we have so far, or leave it off.

We've also added an individual voice toggle. If you feel like voice acting one of the characters yourself, go for it!


Achievement Menu

We also spent a lot of time last month creating the achievements. It's quite an involved process. Here's what we did:

  • Made a list of where we thought achievements should go
  • Wrote the achievement names + descriptions
  • Created all of the achievement images (one for if you've unlocked it, one for if it's still locked)
  • Added these all to Steam, one at a time
  • Added all the achievements in game

This took a big chunk of time, and in the end we have over 50 achievements. Hope you can unlock them all!

We also took the time to add in an ingame achievement menu, so that people who purchase the game from other platforms will still be able to see what achievements they received.


Phew! There's a look at some of what I've been up to.

Next, on to voice acting more broadly. Cats on a Lilypad has finished trimming and editing the voice files for Cyne's route, and has begun to add them in game and test them.

We also created the scripts for the voice sessions for Leos' route, which our director is currently reading over now. This means the next round of recordings will begin very soon!

Wishlist TDS on Steam

I realise this sounds a little silly, seeing as you'll be getting copies of the game, but every wishlist actually helps us a lot! During the lead up to release, and a bit after release, Steam will show our game to more people depending on how many wishlists we have. So, even if you're already getting a copy, it would mean SO MUCH to us if you would wishlist anyway (and tell your friends to wishlist!)

Here's a link to our Steam page!

Blog Posts

We posted an updated guide on our blog on how to recolor sprites (or anything else) on our blog last month, too!

I really enjoy writing up guides, and also super enjoy helping people with programming problems, so for me it's quite relaxing and fun to write these up. Hope it's helpful!


Our amazing friends over at Thrill Switch are releasing their game, NIGHT/SHADE, this month! We hope you can go check it out on Steam and throw it some wishlists!


We can answer any questions you have about the game or game development through our blog and Curiouscat.

You can leave your questions here!

Focus for the next month

Here's our focus for the next month:

  • Pretty much just CGs!

Yay! Another update. Hope you enjoyed and we'll talk (probably during our LAST monthly update), next month!

Once TDS has released, we will have some updates about other projects are are involved with (including some really cool news), but we'll get to that later!


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