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Hello everyone,

It's great to finally be back with another update! Somehow September has already ended, and October is upon us. We have a lot of stuff planned for the Spooky Month (despite not being something we really celebrate in Australia), so keep an eye on our social media for that.


Some CGs have been a little delayed as Fuyuure, our lead artist, has been suffering from her COVID shot. Poor thing! We don't have a lot to show for this month, but we do have some new variation sketches on previous CGs we've shown.

How about a preview of one?

We're still working on finishing these + a few NSFW CGs off. We'll show previews of those later!

We also have a new NSFW artwork of Fawn, which I can preview again now:


Programming wise, we honestly haven't got much we can do. All the code for the game to run is already present in the beta builds - the only thing we're adding now are CGs to the gallery as they get completed. Our audio editor, Cats on a Lilypad Studio, are now handling inserting the voice lines for us, which leaves us with out hands relatively free.

The only real thing left to program is the credits - however we're leaving this until last, as our credits are constantly updating with people signing up to our Patreon.

On the other side of things, we've been spending some time programming the prequel, The Sun and the Moon. It's been fun to revisit the story I wrote quite a long time ago! I've taken the chance to do another editing pass on it, too. I'll be releasing a beta for it this month, but please keep in mind that it is very spoilery for the main game - it'd be great if you played the beta for that first!

Voice Acting

Cats on a Lilypad Studios have been handling the audio engineering from our last session at a great speed. We're still awaiting our director to decide on the final recording date for Cyne's route, then we'll be moving on to the other two. We also still have some extras that we need to cast in the coming weeks.

The Inn Between

Our dear friends from Cats on a Lilypad Studios are preparing to launch a Kickstarter for their fantasy BL visual novel, The Inn Between! If you like The Divine Speaker, you're sure to enjoy it!

Hit the "notify me on launch" button to receive an email when the campaign is live!

You can also find the studios Twitter here, and their Patreon here.


We're also working on a short game for YuriJam at the moment - it won't affect any progress on TDS, as the work on that lies with our artist Fuyuure and our voice editor/actors/directors. 

We'll be releasing it on the Two and a Half Studios itch.io, but not showcasing it on our Patreon in particular - I'm well aware that our audience probably won't overlap much with that project. It's just a for fun game that I'm working on in my spare time - I hope you'll check it out, but no worries if you don't!

The game is called "Amelie"!

CuriousCat + Game Design Tips and Tricks

We can answer any questions you have about the game or game development through our blog and Curiouscat.

You can leave your questions here!

Focus for the next month

Here's our focus for the next month:

  • CG creation
  • Prequel programming
  • Audio editing

Thanks again for your support, and we'll talk again next month!


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