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Our suggestion thread is now open! 

Everyone $50 and above may now leave their art suggestion below. Here's the rules:

  • Single character
  • From any of our games
  • The description can be as detailed or as simple as you want!




As he stepped on stage he allowed the deep pounding of the club music to seep into his bones, resonating through his entire body until every cell was in sync with the beat. He could hear the crowd cheering and hollering, eager for him to begin. He felt powerful, sexuality oozing from every pore as he sauntered over to his pole and gripped it tightly. It wasn’t about the money, (lord knows he didn’t need it), but the rush. Knowing all eyes were on him and with just his body and raw sex appeal he could make men and women alike part with their hard earned cash. He commanded the attention of everyone in the room, and they were all too ready to oblige. 

Strong, confident, pole-dancer Cyne.


A young speaker, concentration painted across his face, desperately trying to steady his hand as he practices his face markings for the first time.