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Hello, everyone!

Welcome to the May 2020 Patreon update! I want to thank you all for supporting us, now more than ever. 

Let's get right into it:

The Divine Speaker


Our lead artist, Fuyuure, has been doing her best to get through CGs despite being impacted by the current pandemic. We appreciate all that she does for us, and we hope it clears up soon.

For those that haven't seen the newest sketch, here's a little teaser:

And a look at our newest BG:



With Fawn's route complete, we've been working on Cyne's! At the moment, it sits at around 30,000 words out of the 55,000 goal, so over half way! We're happy with the progress, and looking forward to moving on to the final route - Leos!

Here's two small previews:


With the common route implemented, programming has come to a halt for the moment while we finish writing and editing the routes. Here's a list of the things we still have to do:

  • Write and implement additional journal entries
  • Beta test and spell check 
  • Record and implment voice acting (which will start soon for the common route)

Beyond the Abyss

And on to our next project, Beyond the Abyss! 


Artwise, I'm very pleased with the progress we're making. Since the team for BtA is different to the team for TDS, asset creation now costs us no time away from TDS, plus we'll save time in the long run.

Here's a few things that have been completed:

And on to a WIP: 


As some of you may know, the amazing Efe Tozan (who did the OST for TDS) has come back to do the sound track for Beyond the Abyss. We're so, so happy to have such a talented and versatile composer on our team.

Here's a little preview (please note, this is not the finished product - just a mock up!). 


In our spare time, we've been slowly working on the script for Beyond the Abyss. Currently, it sits at about 41,000 words. Our goal was 50,000 to 70,000, so at the moment it looks like it will be on the longer side.

Here's a small preview:

That's all for this week! I hope you've enjoyed these previews and teasers, and we'll see you all next month! 



Cyne is such an adorable little gremlin. Always love seeing more of him 🥰 Lovely work all around, team. Thank you!