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Hi everyone! 

Somehow it's already February. Time flies when you're having fun, and all that!  We hope you've had a fantastic year so far! Let's get straight into it:

The Divine Speaker


For those on our lower tiers, here's a little teaser of a brand new backer character:

 Zarryn is the Royal Physician of Sid Caeham, and this title grants him quite a few luxuries -  one of which being that others turn a blind eye as he studies that which might otherwise get him in trouble -  theology and demonology. 

Voice Acting

Voice acting for the extended demo is now complete (minus a handful of retakes) and we're so excited to share it with you! All of our cast is so passionate and dedicated to the project. Here's a couple of clips from Twitter:

Clip 1 

Clip 2 

Clip 3

This is a first look at the amazing voice actor for Nox, Darius Jackson. 


 A little teaser for an event that will happen throughout all three routes. Writing is going well, and resuming after we've been overseas. We're excited to show more off later! 



Throughout the Oxhabor arc, it will be up to the player on what Raen and co. decide to investigate. Depending on your choices, different dialogue options will open up. Be careful! 

Beyond the Abyss

We've started preliminary work on Beyond the Abyss, with some artwork and writing being done. Let's start with a look at artwork:


For those that haven't seen the character designs by RoGer for our main character, Zhang Zhenli, here's a little teaser:

The actual sprites will be done by our lead artist, Stariwei!

Here's a look at our logo! A few things may change to line up with our GUI, but this is more or less the finished piece. By the wonderful Kathaeris, who did the logo and GUI for The Divine Speaker.

The thumbs for BtA's GUI! We'll be going for simple and flowery, compared to TDS'  fantastical GUI. Again by the amazing Kathaeris!

Woo, another sketch! This time, of our character frames, which will be used with the character cards! Isn't it gorgeous already?

The artist this time is RNbeammer, who's known for beautiful frame designs.


While we aren't actively writing Beyond the Abyss yet, some work has been done! We have a completed outline, and around 30,000 words. This means the demo is actually fully written already! It just needs editing and proofreading.

Here's a little teaser of the opening scene:

That's all for this month! Thank you all again for supporting us and giving us the chance to make our games the best they can possibly be.

- Two and a Half Studios


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