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Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a lovely break over December. We've been spending a lot of time inserting voice lines into the game, which has been a long but rewarding job. 

Let's get on to the updates:


On the art side of things, Fuyuure was very busy with seasonal and extra art, as well as new backer characters!

For those on the $3 tier here's a preview of the next backer character, Ashe:

Looking handsome! We'll show off his completed sprite soon!



We're great lovers of music (as you can hopefully tell!), so we're adding one more track to the extended demo. You can hear it HERE without vocals - which we'll be recording soon!

It will be a bard style tune, exclusive to the extended demo.


Voice Acting

Recordings for the extended demo are nearly complete! This will marks our last session. We've been having so much fun with it and the passion that the actors have put into their roles is amazing.

Here's a couple of clips from our Twitter:

Illran and Leos 

Leos, Fawn and Raen


 And another little video we did for fun over New Years: 

The Divine Speaker Cast According to Illran 



As you know, we're currently writing the character routes, starting with Fawn's! We're around half way through this. The writing process will speed up now that the holidays are over, and we should be able to complete Fawn's route soon.

This will also help with the other routes, since there's some common events between them!


Teaming up with indie devs through partnerships is very important to us! We love quality games led by passionate teams, and we're so happy to announce our newest partnership:  

KingAsphy Studio, with their first game  NIGHT/SHADE!

Twitter | Website  

The visual novel, NIGHT/SHADE, is a story about facing and overcoming the toxicity within interpersonal relationships as well as within oneself. This character driven plot explores the complexities of love and loss in the form of a romantic thriller. With the colorful aesthetic of synth-wave and the nightlife of a near futuristic city, NIGHT/SHADE will take you on a turbulent, passionate experience unlike any other. 

We're so excited for their Kickstarter this year!

New Projects

While we finish up the writing on The Divine Speaker (and the prequel!) we've been thinking about what comes after. While TDS won't be out until early next year, most of that time will be spent on art production and voice acting - leaving us devs with some free time on our hands.

Thus, we have two projects in the early stages of development! 

We showed a little hint last month of one of them. The script for that game will be done in house by the same team as The Divine Speaker. We want to be able to start showing off assets soon! As for a few things you can expect:

  • 18+ BL with uncensored sex scenes
  • Fantasy world, but vastly different to TDS
  • Xianxia/danmei aesthetics and story

As for the second game... it's currently being written by the wonderful author Bexa Jaide, who's been hard at work and has already completed the demo script. Here's a few things you can expect:

  • Female main character
  • Non-traditional routes, heavy themes
  • A dark, thriller sci-fi/fantasy setting after the end of the world
  • 18+ scenes

That's it for this month! See you all in February! 



Super excited to work with you guys, it's been such an amazing experience so far and we've only just gotten started! You've done wonderful things with TDS so I know my script is in good hands, there's no one else I would trust with it more.