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Hello everyone! 

Going forward, we're switching to a monthly game update here on Patreon, instead of weekly. There's a lot more to talk about after a month!

First of all, I hope you've been enjoying all the art we've been sharing lately! Make sure to go vote in the first September art poll, too.

Now, onto the updates.



We have four brand new songs, composed by Efe Tozan! You would've heard these last month. You also would've heard that Emi Evans, lead singer of NieR:Automata, is creating the lyrics and vocals over "The Forgotten", the (kinda) theme for Veras. We've signed the contract, and the final version will be sent before the end of the year.

Also coming up is the full extended opening by Morgan Berry! We're expecting this to be complete in the next two weeks.

Voice Acting

Recordings are well under way, with many of our actors completing 5/16 of the script!

We're really proud about how its going, and applaud those of the cast that are being flexible and easy to work with! I'm sure you'll all really enjoy the voice acting in the extended demo.


For those that don't know, we're introducing a journal/codex feature in the extended demo. The entries will be different depending on the choices you make throughout the game! Here's a little mockup, minus the entries: 



Prequel work is plodding along slowly, with outlining still going on. Henry has also completed two of the original backgrounds! 

Ta-da! I'm really looking forward to getting these in game and showing off some screenshots soon.


I wanted to talk a little about partnerships.

We have always been a game development team that wants to connect, support and help other people where we can. This started with devlogs and blogs about ways to improve your game and marketing tips and tricks. 

Going forward, we'll be looking to partner with other BL game developers and artists. To be truly successful, I think that you have to look outwardly just as much as internally. 

We've been reaching out to talk to some interested parties and will have more to share next month.

So, what does this mean for you? Really, not much, except for good things! At the end of each monthly update, we'll have a section for partners. You'll get to see artwork from artists and game developers that you usually wouldn't, and if you're interested enough in them you're welcome to go follow them on Twitter or support them on Patreon. 

They will in turn to the same for us! It's just one way to support each other and give our fans even more beautiful art.

So, with that said, it's time to introduce our first partner: Ertal Games!

Patreon | Twitter 

Here's a look at a sketch for their newest game, Night and Day! 

In Night and Day, Paul moves to the City of Light in 1950, pursuing his dream of becoming a great artist... and falling in love. 

We hope that in the coming months, we'll have lots of fantastic art to share with you! This is all for now, talk again soon!


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