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Lucia, a devout paladin who had devoted her life to the service of the divine patron of the Hearth and Home.

She was known for her unwavering faith and her righteous deeds, which had earned her the respect and admiration of many in her local community.

One day, on the trail of some bandits Lucia found herself in a lush forest, quite lost.

The trail had gone cold some time ago and as she stumbled over vines and roots she heard a chorus of giggling from nearby. Curious, she followed the sound and stumbled upon a group of male sprites. The mischievous creatures were dancing around a small, glowing acorn, chanting in a language Lucia didn't understand.

Feeling a sense of unease, Lucia stepped backwards, her hand resting on her holy sword. The sprites turned to her, their laughter dying down as they regarded her with cold, unblinking eyes.

"What brings you to our forest, Paladin?" one of the sprites sneered.

"I seek nothing but peace, I’m only here to find some bandits that traveled through here." Lucia replied evenly.

“Well this forest is ours, didn’t you know” The tallest of the group flew in a loop before looking towards the others with a toothy grin.

The sprites exchanged glances, and then one of them grinned wickedly- offering him the acorn. “Which means, everything in it- including you." he smirked, and with a flick of his wrist, he tossed the glowing acorn towards Lucia.


Lucia went to catch it- but she swung too late.

The acorn landed in her armor with a soft thud, and Lucia felt a sudden warmth spread throughout her body. The overwhelming smell of fresh flowers and earth filled the air. Before she could react, the world started to spin as she began to shrink, her armor falling away from her as she hurtled towards the ground.

Lucia groaned- her head pounded, as she opened her eyes in complete darkness. An alien sensation tingled on her hairline and when she reached for it- found two long protrusions- Antennae, stretching up to hang over her head. “No..”

Whispering a feverish prayer in the hope she was dreaming, two parallel muscular cramps shot through her back. Instinctively her body shuddered with a mighty push and the pain released- four nubs swelling and blossoming into, something… With a pop her ears felt like they were being comically pulled out to the sides of her face which meant her hearing could register the sounds from outside.

“Alright lads- push.”

The sun burst in and she covered her eyes as they began to swim with color lights and shapes.

The sprites howled with laughter.

Responding to the spring sun could feel her wings expand and dry rapidly in the sunlight into four translucent delicate segments not unlike those found on a butterfly.

She peeled her hands away- realizing that above all else she was completely naked- hands racing to cover her modesty. This caused the other creatures to giggle at her, a red blush swimming over her cheeks.

Lucia fluttered her wings, trying to make sense of what had just happened. Panic gripped her as she realized that she was now tiny, vulnerable and powerless.

"What have you done to me?" she cried out.

The sprites ignored her, continuing to cackle and dance in a close circle around her.

“Hey-“ she went to grab one of them, but her wings caused her to launch at him instead- tackling them to the mossy forest floor.

“Oh, I’m sorry…”

Her apologies were cut short by a giggle, then a sharp bark of a laugh from him as he rolled to straddle her pinning her to the ground.

His bulge caught between her thighs which caused her to try to wriggle out from underneath him, but this only caused him to grasp her arms firmly.

“Told ya. Our forest, our pixies.”

He pushed up against her pelvis, and Lucia felt her body respond in kind.

The other Sprites flitted over to admire the show and the tallest flew from her vision to land behind her head.

“Oh, no… I’m not-“ Lucia gasped as fingers began to slide over her antennae, causing her to twitch in pleasure.

A moan slid from her lips and her hips bucked against a ready dick which then was slowly slid inside. It felt completely different to anything she’d ever experienced before- her entire body felt like it was alight with pleasure and magic.

This was a different kind of magic- usually her divine powers were channeled- the Goddess of hearth and home used her form to enact their will.

This was wild fey magic, uncontrolled, feral- she could feel it vibrating through her fingers and pussy as he slammed into her rhythmically.

Colors swam in her eyes as she climaxed, only for it to build into a second then third then fourth- tiny body bucking and shaking.

Tiny hands drove her arms further into the ground as he hilted inside and came himself. A second passed and before Lucia could do anything another took his place.

To any third party who could bear witness, not only would they witness the tiny scene- but further still the small patch of grass surrounding them start growing flowers in all shapes and sizes as the feywilds magic warped the barrier between worlds.

Not that Lucia was in any state to notice anything as she was turned over by the Sprites to gain access to her other hole.

Wet Fingers traced around it and slipped inside.

“H-Hey- Mmmph!” Her Protest cut short as Lucia’s face was pushed into the moss.

Another Orgasm sparked through her body- causing her toes to curl. Ere long a second sprite began to use it- the feeling of both inside her made Lucia want to shriek with fullness. Instead she shook into the forest floor- the magic that seemed to swirl around her like being the center of a storm.

She rocked back and forth as she was filled once more, cum dripping from her as the ‘leader’ took his place to line up with her and claw his hands down her hips before sliding in his fatter cock. Lucia gasped loudly as it hit deep inside before he started up a leisurely pace, pulling out all the way then using his wings to slam inside recklessly.

Her antennae were tugged upwards- and she was met with a wet cock. “Oh no thanky- mph!”

Soon she was drowning in magic- and swallowing a load of sweet tasting cum, tears welling in her eyes.

This pushed her body over the edge- Lucia experienced an orgasm so strong that everything went black, magic swelling as the barrier between worlds shattered.

When she awoke she was alone once more. Any illusion she may have had that it was a dream disappeared as looking into the enormous forest and darkened sky swelled with dark clouds. Soon raindrops the size of boulders started to fall and she scrambled under her breastplate for shelter, wrapping a corner of her sleeve around her in comfort.

Days turned to weeks, and Lucia struggled to survive in the forest, her tiny wings able to carry her from place to place but causing her to tire greatly if she traveled too far. Food was scarce too, it was too early in the season for berries and after an unfortunate experience with a mushroom, she settled for eating flowers. They didn’t fill her rumbling stomach but it allowed her to use her strength to fly and find shelter.

But even in the face of such difficulties, Lucia prayed to her divine patron every day, asking for guidance and strength to endure her trials. And in time, she thought her prayers were answered.

One day, a band of travelers passed through the forest, and they heard Lucia's soft cries for help. An overly eccentric elven bards’ enormous face came into view. Lucia was struck with how diminished she was when his large fingers plucked her from her most recent camping spot by her minuscule waist, taking great care to be gentle. At first he started speaking a language she couldn’t understand then upon seeing it not register changed to Sylvan which she could.

“Well hello there.”

Though his features were large Lucia considered him quite handsome and well kept, the soft boyish freckles selling her it.

“Um- hi, hello- hello, I’m Lucia”

It seemed that her sense of time was warped as the man took a while to respond to her frenzied greeting.

“Hello Lucia, I’m Arweinn.”

“Arweinn, I need help! Some sprites turned me into this!” She made a gesture to her overall form. “And I just want to get home and my armor is around here somewhere, I’m starving and I’m quite lost- and”

“Whoa- there. Slow down..”

He placed a finger on her head.

“You’re not actually a Pixie.”

Lucia enigmatically stamped her foot. “No- I’m not! Those little-“

She strangled the air whilst trying to find a paladin appropriate name-

“JERKS! Used me to open a gate to the fey realm with-“

Her cheeks boiled red.

“Open a gate?”

The Man’s interest peaked. Lucia looked away. “Y-yes but- I don’t want to talk about it.”

He pulled a face then looked over his shoulder at a woman Lucia thought looked like some kind of witch, motioning her over.

“They weren’t nice to me to do it- and I don’t want to do it again.”

The witch came over- dark eyes and golden hair in ringlets framed her olive face. “Hello there little one. You said something about opening a passage to the feywild?”

“No, I was telling him- that… I don’t- well I was used! They did all these things and then I blacked out and they were laughing and they did-“


With a sudden rush of air onto a palm and the popping noise of a glass jar being slammed onto an open hand.

Lucia was handily trapped inside.

“No! Hey! Don’t do this to me!”

Her small fists made delicate tinking noises as she slammed them onto the walls.

“What luck! Gorvin will certainly trade a princely sum for a portal creating pixie.”

“And if she’s lying?” The witch still holding the base as the bard tipped it upside down- sending Lucia sprawling.

“Then we’ve found him a new pet for his collection.”



Lovely writing Nakita~!!!