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Technically, May 15 is the anniversary of the Patreon campaign, and there were months of setup and brainstorming leading up to the launch date. This SaturDAZ falls close enough to it.

Thank you as always for your support, it's vital. I'm extending an invitation for supporters to ask me anything (AMA), with a few conditions:

1. I already told you why I stopped making the monthly Expanimations. Refrain from asking. It's a recent announcement a click and scroll away.

2. If I tell you to take your question to Messages, we continue in Messages.

[11:39 added progression pic]

[11:55 added pic 3]

[12:16 added pic 4]

[12:29 added pic 5]

I'll check back later.




It depends on the number of props and lights. A simple scene like this progression takes about 20 minutes per frame to render $1 "all-tier treat" renders, and 30-45 minutes for $5 tier render quality. That's just rendering, more time is spent setting up scenes/poses/costumes, and post-processing images.


How long would most expanimations take? I could definitely see it taking like a day or even longer.


A typical Expanimation is 900 frames rendered at a lower image quality than the still images, and is still usually a 40-hour render split up over a week while I'm at work.