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Some of you may have noticed I have an Itaku gallery now. This will be a place for all my freely distributed content as well as the archive destination for subscription content that has aged past a certain point. I'm doing this because the site features a very practical way of organizing and presenting art that deviantArt, Pixiv and Twitter lack. DeviantArt will let you organize images into folders, but downloading them is piecemeal. Itaku allows downloading the gallery with directory structure intact*. You can also upload en masse and choose whether or not it shows up in your feed, or only in your gallery. Later, you can pick images from the gallery to attach to a post. Even Patreon doesn't have that.

I'm letting my Patrons know about this specifically because I'm going to be uploading images no one has seen, even Patrons. There will be many outtakes in the Itaku Gallery. At deviantArt, posting scraps and WIPs was generally discouraged, and I carried that standard over to Patreon to some extent. With any luck, the Itaku Gallery will become a comprehensive free archive of Digital Adiposity content.

Tumblr sucks, Pixiv is meh, Twitter's slowly dying, and deviantArt has always been a mixed experience, with a community that still harbors toxic people who were once a real threat to my mental health. Time to try something new.


*this feature is available to Itaku supporters



Groovy! Thanks for the insight. Looking forward to checking it out