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I tried to load the full-size versions of some renders today, and some wouldn't load. There are also a number of posts with "broken image" placeholders. I'll open a support ticket if it's still going on after I get home from work today.

[UPDATE 6:30pm] Things are back to normal, no more broken images. Thanks to the Patron who alerted me to this temporary problem, but I have to inform you that "Barbarian Beth Final Form"


is a 1280x720 render and that is its full size at the moment. I'm considering making a 1920x1080 Isekai-genre story involving a variation on that scene and these other characters:

but the story needs to come together first in order for me to be motivated to finish it, and I'm not sure if it will replace the Progression or be a new tier ($4 webcomic pledge with $10 Patron access?).


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