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its just sexy times this time around!!~ pick one of these scenarios and we'll see what i draw at the end of the month!~

1) my kobold sharlene in cowgirl style, with her having fun with the divine Jeanne [after some size shrinking, haha] who grew a dick for her, holding her thighs. she should be wearing her sleeves and stockings,  and there should be a decent amount of cum gushing out of her. https://twitter.com/ShikkaTL/status/1188830129448980480 https://twitter.com/ShikkaTL/status/1184283459671482370

2) The Vixen and her sister scarlet both showing off to the camera. both foxes should be hugging eachother, and showing their naughty bits. maybe they settled their differences just to show an spectacle? for this one i wanna make two versions: cookie and no cookie. https://twitter.com/ShikkaTL/status/1487845173879099402

3) a large pinup of four characters, featuring my piper mouse and her snake girlfriends! Amor should be resting against Baji's  coils, while the other two girls surround them. Amor should be holding and licking one of Baji's dicks, while salachia's and Sylphia's cloacas should be in view. this is a rather challenging pic but a  fun idea nonetheless!~ https://twitter.com/ShikkaTL/status/1435968542625579012

4)Fabel and Chrysa making out! simple pic, just some good ol vag sex with some good ol bulges going on thanks to the size diff!~ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E8jsuvtXsAMV6KA?format=jpg&name=4096x4096 


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