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this time im just gonna throw a mix of ideas i have in my mind and see which one you like the best ^^ please pick one!

1) Claudia receiving some Gooey treatment from Glacia! the latter would be in her Undisguised form, using her ears and tail like tentacles on the big drake girl! for this ocassion, Claudia would have a vag. https://twitter.com/ShikkaTL/status/1389052456194256897

2) Nami having fun with an allosaurus! big size diff between her and the allo, and maybe  calary should be watching too, or maybe getting licks from her? ;p big size diff all over! https://twitter.com/ShikkaTL/status/1380001864536748037 https://twitter.com/ShikkaTL/status/1380715721353744392

3) my nytia sona Auros, casually resting inside a dragon's maw while he asks her some questions. all friendly banter between the two! Auros has a thing for dragons specifically and studies them in great detail. https://twitter.com/ShikkaTL/status/1361167556418162689

4) i wanna give some love to a couple of my adopts! so how about https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EoppCz8XcAI-dKS?format=jpg&name=4096x4096 this dragoness after having eaten https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EoppSsmXIAUxlkV?format=jpg&name=4096x4096 this goat girl? willing vore, with an internal shot. they're space travelers stranded in Valicia!


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