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Dear my patrons, I've been feeling kinda overloaded recently 

there are so many works for me to take care of in my company and my family....

So I have decided to renew my work style on patreon a bit. From now and so on, I would like to choose the characters whom I would draw and the NSFW version wont available anymore due to my tight shchedule. ;;;_;;;

Since NSFW contents required more efforts and private spaces to perform, which I don't really have right now. But the goodnews is now I can pay focus in all my arts quality.

I'm looking for your compasion and sincerely apologize for this inconvenience ;;=;;

Thank you all for supporting me all the time! 



Take all the time you need and take care of yourself Kyo.


Take all the time you need. We love you ❤️.


Do what you have to do. Always appreciate your talent and love. We will continue to support you.


so sad and sorrowful ;_; ……but i'll keep supporting you Kyo, may you create more beauty


Great to hear you're taking a huge load of stress off yourself, it's always a good thing to take care of oneself first. Really excited to see how you'll be doing going forward!

寄鈞 廖

I am always on your side. Take your time. :)

Frank Leo

no nsfw anymore?


I am torn. I would like very much to continue to support you. But I am not made of money, and such a major change in rewards... No input/voting or NSFW... And there are other artists I am just watching who still offer one or both of those... For now I will remain, but I cannot make promises that it will last.


I always loved you for your art style! I will continue to support you no matter what you draw ;)


I hope all will be well for you ♥ And don't worry, we love your art and we will be there for you no matter what ^w^ (I do have to say I am happier when you draw what you like, rather than you being "forced" to draw something !)


Ohhh not yet Sir , i will make nsfw when i had time >w< )/


Ahhh thank you soooo muchhh ;;;;A:;; But pls take care your money too ;;;;;=;;; *HUGSSSSS*