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I'm working on phisical format of erogames! Only for Japan but who knows if can be possible occident version in the future. My migraine return again, in 2 days I will work again in the new doujinshi. I will try to post more material this days. 


Eric Avila

Get some rest sensei! Remember to take breaks in between and to sleep well!


Migraine again? Damn, Yamamoto-Sama, take care! Take some vacations! And congratulations on the project!!! It will be great! ^^! Physical copies = amazing!

Viken Urnoc

Yamamoto-san, what is your work on the physical version of your erogames? New Gameplay? Illustrations for the boxes? In any case, if a physical version comes out in Japan, there is hope for your dôjinshis too. I would so love to own a physical version of "Bitch Girlfriend" and all of your "Love Triangle Z" episodes! 😍 Take care of your health! I will end up getting angry! Everyone has been telling you for months to rest. Your body, your hands and your brain need to rest. 🙏

Krivvin Bailey

Rest well, Yamamoto-sensei! :) We want you healthy and happy! I know you love to create. We appreciate your works. But, be kind and patient with yourself. :)


Define, physical?