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I am uncensoring all animation frames of my first erogame "Bulma Adventure 1"while I wait for my assistant programmer to finish all story mode, soon on sale in Fakku website^^ Perfect for non japanese people, uncensored and english version. Let's work!!

I Lost all original frames, folders and photoshop files, that's the cause of this extra work 😅




Alright I can't wait then for the Bulma adventure series to be uncensored soon.^^


This is incredible news Yamamoto-Sama!! Thanks so much for sharing this information and working so hard!!


Excellent to hear! Hopefully this won’t be too long of a process!


Literally last week got a work contract! So I'm ready whenever you are! Hahah 🤣🤣


50% done!!!? That's incredible how quick it's that done that much.^^


I'll buy Bulma adventure1 uncensored and Kameparadise2 uncensored if they both come out the same time. "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!"💰

Viken Urnoc

Please, help me understand: I have never purchased "Bulma Adventure", "Bulma Adventure 2", "Bulma Adventure 3", "Kame Paradise", "Kame Paradise 2" and "Dragon Ball Super Lost Episode" before. If I wait a few more days, all these video games will be available in an uncensored version, correct?


Not a few days, it would take time for Yamamoto and his programmer to uncensor every frame of every sex scene in the game and those games will be separate games but uncensored.


I look forward to buying them all sensei. I currently only own the cheelai game.