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Stature x Spiderman + Superhero poll -> January 24th

Slave Rey + Other universes poll-> January 25th


A new series will be added to replace Captain Marvel x Spiderman, this series will be a "special" category and more than 3 characters may appear in it. In this case the series would start with Spiderman, Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel. 

Progressively and in each episode a new character would appear until in the last episode Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch, Wasp, Black Widow, Captain Carter and Mighty Thor appear in a single image. 

All of them with the classic costumes of the comics but adapted to MCU style. And this category would have a ban of one month when the winner of the poll comes out. Unlike the rest of the series that do not have it.




Daaaamn. You’re cooking with that new series 👀


Oh man that Rey one is going to be AMAZING, Cassie is looking good too