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Yes, you are seeing this correctly......A BBW with her legs around her head.......ish.

Wasn't easy and she has some crazy geometry going on but it looks believable.

That ass though 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤🤤





I have to agree with Dude above. I don't think anybody else is doing this kind of stuff. Is there any chance we could get those pancake tits as a morph on their own ?

Dude (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-01 22:07:42 Yeah, that would be awesome! I haven't done it yet but I think you can create them on a model with a bunch of different morphs depending on how her boobs are from default. Tweaking the breast physics helps too. I plan to try it with one of Spline's fat chicks. I have however, taken the girl from this post and added some additional morphs & exaggerated some existing morphs to get a more saggy tit look making them hang back more naturally.
2023-01-24 18:35:08 Yeah, that would be awesome! I haven't done it yet but I think you can create them on a model with a bunch of different morphs depending on how her boobs are from default. Tweaking the breast physics helps too. I plan to try it with one of Spline's fat chicks. I have however, taken the girl from this post and added some additional morphs & exaggerated some existing morphs to get a more saggy tit look making them hang back more naturally.

Yeah, that would be awesome! I haven't done it yet but I think you can create them on a model with a bunch of different morphs depending on how her boobs are from default. Tweaking the breast physics helps too. I plan to try it with one of Spline's fat chicks. I have however, taken the girl from this post and added some additional morphs & exaggerated some existing morphs to get a more saggy tit look making them hang back more naturally.


I'd be interested in seeing what you have achieved. I'm not sure what Spline's rules are on mods to his work and sharing. I'll drop him a PM to find out.


OK. I meant purely as a one to one exchange via email or similar. Spline has indicated to me he would be OK for personal exchanges of mods to his stuff. I would never upload anything publicly that wasn't completely my own IP or on an official share license.


Great Here's a temporary email so I'm not putting mine out there. I can reply to you with my proper email afterwards. -- Email now deleted --


Hot damn!!!!!!!


Sir, you have done it again. This is exactly the content I subscribe for. Stunning work, Dat Ass indeed 😍


lol i was trying to make a animation like that last night and failed :D


I love the pancake tits! I haven't seen anyone else do that yet. Much more realistic.