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Gave up trying to improve the audio sync. I tried.


  • Emma MKII skin set (new bald gen, new nipples, cellulite upgrade and some eyebrow mods, planned to do loads more mods on this set soon)
  • 2 part auto loading scene




Love it! Nice work.


she is even hotter now and that scene with titty magic applied is insane and then i used embody and removed the animation on the male :D and used it for VR


add lip sync too, it always breaks the animation my end if I var it for some reason, works fine on my install


why dont you var everything and make a depend var with stuff you use all the time. Or do you need help with that


No Im fine. I dont use vars for multiple reasons. Duplicates / stupid folder structures from the community / errors / stupid loading times / misalignment of mocap animations / sharing empty scenes with different hair clothing settings etc etc. My way when you open my content it looks exactly as it does in the screen shots


Makes sense i have been pissed for a while over people that keep putting plugins in there var files so i suddenly end up with tons of them. But thanks for the info haven't really looked into var files other than people keep putting junk in there.