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  • How do I install the content?

Follow this video

  • Do you mind if I modify your work?

Of course not, VaM is a game based on customising everything to the user's exact needs, I encourage it.

As long as you don't share my work either in whole or modified.

Post your remix result's on discord so everyone else can see what you've been doing.

  • How do I get in your discord?

Just DM me and I'll send you an invite or wait until I post an invite on here.

  • Do you take commissions?

Yes. I will create private models for user's ONLY if the photography is good.  See example

  • 1. Expectations. I want you guys to know that I'm not a magician lol and I cant turn any photo into a Gianna haha. Sometimes models look good instantly, sometimes they look good after many hours of tweaking and sometimes they fight you all way and end up looking....passable.

I wont know how it will turn out but what I can guarantee you is, I will try my hardest to make the person as best I can and give her/him the full Gianna treatment.

  • 2. Cost. My characters cost £150 GB each, which is a lot of money and I personally couldn't afford it. That being said, I don't turn these models around in a few hours, they are countless hours/days of work! Approx 30-50 to be exact. If you divide £150 by 30-50 hours that isn't even minimum wage.

My rate is a lot higher than most the other guys in the community so it might be advisable to shop about first but ultimately it comes down to who's style you want.




Your models are worth the cost


Please make more in the MILF category!


hey im a phone vr pleb for now who enjoys your work through what you upload vrporn.com. Are those particularly more difficult to make? Because here I can see how relatively fast you churn on these cool models. Would just love to see more of your work as a phone pleb.


I will, those sites wont allow people to spam the site and turn it into CGI.com, I have more stuff that I post regularly to my VR video patreon page that my GF runs, but the files are full rez mp4 so I dont think they would work on a phone.


you need to copy the 'customs' and 'saves' folder over not the entire folder. Nothing is showing up because its not the correct path