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I haven't had any days off since I started this back in September, its literally been 7 days a week since then, My faces started to suffer a bit as I was pressuring myself to find beauty, although pressure creates diamonds, for me it didn't create beautiful faces. 

I took 5 days off and played a snowboarding/skiing game nonstop 'just like the old days' and didn't feel a single bit of regret haha.....well the constant complaining from my GF was a bit of regret

Now that's not to say I didn't tinker with VaM during the night....every night...you know how it is. 

So I though I would just share with you guy's what's coming up, starting 2mrw night! 

Here are some characters and scene's which are on the verge of completion. 




I think the model that is “being on the verge of babe” looks already fantastic and beautiful and you should release her :)

William Wilson

looking forward to the new vacuum!

Michael Powell

Always take some time for yourself!!


All of those look pretty much look ready to push out the door, so if there aren't any animation issues, go ahead do it, and don't sweat over it. You can always circle back later and do touch ups, and call them "2.0" or "perfected", which would give more variety/model versions. Honestly, i've looked at a lot of the models you've shown as WIP, and on several of them preferred an earlier version rather than what they ended up as. Just taster's choice, so not a shot at the direction you take them. Yeah, I'd say push them out, give us all a big data dump to keep us busy for a while, then take another week or two off and relax. Stay away from Valheim though, that game is addictive :)


Shred them slopes. Also, does you gf know you do this? If so, what does she feel about it?

William Wilson

most chicks these days have Onlyfans im sure him having one isnt a big deal 😂


They are almost done, the tweaks Im making are very small, more like texture mods etc.


I had to come clean with her, the custom skins take weeks of work 'full time' so it couldn't just be a small hobby I did when she went to bed at night. Now she comes to me with idea's for models I should make. eg ''have you seen this model she's gorgeous you should do her face'' its a little surreal haha


These look incredible! Especially that BBW version of Nicole. More appropriate body to her face imho