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Puppet Master 1 winning scene 🥇🥇🥇 with improved/expressions/animation/alignment/skin &normal texture

NOTE: Before playing, Select male atom/plugin/invisible/copy all values. This will hide the male character.



William Wilson

I will do this for science!

William Wilson

the male scared the hell out of me at first. it seems to work good i have a bit of clipping where the cock touches the machine, the guys belly is a bit too far forward it leaves a seam.


send me a screen shot, that plug does have a few limitations


I click copy and nothing happens


reload the plug in and try copy all values again, make sure the check box at the top is unchecked also.

William Wilson

I'm still a noob and cannot figure out how to send a screen shot on Patreon lol

Jo Pla

The same problem as some past scenes: Woman moves a tiny bit, then suddenly freezes and just the hair moves/has physics. Hiding the male worked just fine.


Since I did my fresh install, the scenes that had the physics bug would show up for me, that way I knew if a previously animated scene was bugged or not. This worked fine on my fresh install. I will re-animate it this eve for the ppl having this bug. Everyone's Vam needs an update quickly. Its too inconsistent at the moment.


I don't understand the thing with the male atom and copy all values where is it to find?


Same Issue here Plugin Is ok and Male Is invisible but Female doesn‘t move.


Im in the middle of re-animating it now.

William Wilson

it worked fine for me yesterday, but i unpacked the file first and put the files in the corresponding folders and i haven't had issues. that might help you guys?


Its got something to do with older installations, I have a guy on discord who is my chief scene tester lol, he has a very old install and a fresh one, he normally tests all my scenes for me before release. Some installs have something the causes the animation to break, for some its fine and for some others it fails. So I have 3 years worth of scenes that now have a question mark over them, because I now use a fresh install any of my broken animations show up for me so I know to remake them before sharing but for some reason this one worked. Vam needs an update to put everyone's install on the same playing field.


I'm not following how to hide the male. I select the male, click plugins, see the hide character plugin, click Open Custom UI, then click copy all values. Where am I supposed to copy the values to? Nothing happens when I click it.


clicking copy all values automatically hides the male, click it twice. Make sure the check box at the top right hand corner is also unchecked.

Jo Pla

The MK2 works very well now. Everything is moving, male can be hidden in the male plugin. Good job, thanks! Love the quality of your work!

Josh C

I have done all the copying values and it does not save with the file after the change is made


It never does, you have to do it everytime the scene is loaded unfortunately.