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I had some seam issues with the aged skin texture I was going to use, mainly I didn't have a head texture for it so I had to bodge some skin around the neck area to make it match, after 20million attempts I finally had the seam perfect but then I noticed the seams around the shoulder wasn't 100%, that added to the fact I didn't have a gen texture either I decided to scrap about 3 hours of work and just blend the aged skin into Trisha's texture as she already has stretch mark normals created and a gen texture template I could use. As soon as I apply my normals to her and exaggerate her wrinkles etc she will come alive. Face still needs some work, every time I get her side profile perfect her face square on doesn't look like her so I go back to the front to fix it and the profile changes again!!!!!!!!!! I'll get it there eventually. 

EDIT: Normal maps complete




We really appreciate all the work you put into this! I hope you don't have OCD (I do a little), because you could drive yourself crazy! ;) Anyhow, she's looking great so far!


I do have really bad OCD, you have to in my line work otherwise I'd sued for millions if I made a mistake. Its working in you guy's favour now though.