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"Here comes the true mastermind."

One account can choose only one single action.

You are the player of the game at the moment. Be careful with your choice of action when playing this game...The choice is your. The result is mine.

Be careful with your comment. The life of Changeling's Proto Queen is in your hand now. Please guild her to the right direction and teach her the lesson of life.

The Vote score will come from both Patreon and SubscribeStar comments.



Freya Steel

"Why do you ask? It may have been you and yours that pushed for a choice to be made but, in the end the choice was made by one. Had it been different and war truly sprung forth I do not know what I may have felt as that is a different story, one I would not like to think about. Do you feel guilty and that the blame should be yours alone?"

Borg Lord

A wise queen does not hold grudges over politics; we don't yet have enough experience to be a wise queen, but we can at least put in an effort to act like. It is only proper that a general should advise his king in pursuit of what is right for his people, and we understand why he felt these actions were necessary.


Proto queen got Noblis's oath after she kicked his ass, so better to bury that hatchet. But ask if Noblis did this if he was gunning to kill Chrysalis because thunder head asked Proto-queen a while back after the roc fight if proto queen was willing to put her mother Chrysalis on trial?

Saphiro Shadez

Again, we understand, we are, after, changelings. Using others are what we are best at. However, I would say we are slightly miffed that Nobilus was the one who pushed Rex over the edge. However, we should forgive him all the same.

Bright Ops

The actions itself are understandable. Maybe not noble, but understandable. The real question I feel that needs to be asked in regards to Flamer is what his actual intentions were: Considering how the female he and his... siblings(?) loved was killed by Changelings, was his motives behind pushing this to discover the truth for the sake of understanding, or to find out who needed to pay?