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"The battlefield now cover with fiery rain"

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Be careful with your comment. The life of young Changeling's queen is in your hand now. Please guild her to the right direction and teach her the lesson of life.

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dual attack, attack one head with rock throw and bird samurai attack the other two heads with shovel sword and the katana scarab and let nobody protect you.


So it's still raining fire from the sky (or ceiling since we're still in a cave)? Both that and the wall of fire are going to make attacking hard for Bird Samurai. We'll have to clear those out. Get everyone into the water pool to protect them from the fire rain (and any potential steam explosions that might happen), then turn into Water Dragon and use Hydro Cannon to target the ceiling (stopping the rain of fire), the Fire Wall, and Nobilis. Use water from the pool to supercharge our attack if possible. Though hopefully Nobody will despawn as soon as we jump into the water so that he doesn't get wet. We'll need him to help with any upcoming lightning attacks.

Freya Steel

Turn into water dragon use a move to put out firewall and fly bird samurai as close to nobilis as possible to use her ultimate move


Dive into the water pool. Earthquake can't effect us there, and the fire rain will have much less effect. If the fire wall is in the way, transform into a water dragon. We likely have resistence against fire, but can tolerate water well enough.


Turn into water dragon & attack Nobilis w/ hydro cannon (I guess)


Turn into Roc and use hurricane!


Time go roc to finish this.