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Be careful with your comment. The life of young sinful princess is in your hand now. Please guild her to the right direction and teach her the lesson of life.



Andrew Pam

Look at the green trail - could that be blood? Maybe someone needs your help!


Probably the trail with what looks like green blood. The path with sticks and leaves is probably the way out and the path with the blue glow is probably more trouble.


the one with the sticks to it probably leads out and the one with the blue light may possibly lead to the tree of Harmony?


Follow the path with the green trail

Duke Of Donuts

Why not, let's see where that green trail leads.


The right path looks like it could be the light at the end of the tunnel...Of course, its never that simple. Following the path with the green trail will allow you to know where to backtrack if it ends up being nothing, so lets do that.


If the blue trail goes to a magic source, maybe you can go there first and restore your magic powers.


inspect the green trail then follow it


following the green trail.


Follow the green trail


Go to the light


Follow the path leading up. Most logic says nutters are usually downwards not upwards.

Aaron Dain

The middle path has leaves and sticks on it, thus it's most likely to be a way out.

Drago Whooves

The green stuff looks like blood, somepony might be in trouble, we are trying to redeem ourselves and be the hero, so lets follow the trail off to the right and help them.


Looks like some changeling blood on your right, try to see if it is from your sister's bodyguard.


Follow the green


Way down dont let you go to exit, way to up look likes not good trail... Follow green trail. (i love underdround, my OC lives here... but doesnt mater. Insaine Wiej says insaine things)

Borg Lord

You're underground, so go up. Anyway, I don't entirely trust that blue glow and green trail not to originate from hostile entities, or at least entities that will take your sword as sufficient provocation to attack. I think for the moment you should try to avoid encountering other creatures if possible.


Green tail to your right might lead you to the changeling your looking for


The middle path looks like a way out...but you can't shake the fact that the green trail to the right looks like it may be changeling blood. And the blue glow may lead to the Tree of Harmony. So you don't need to go into a dead end. So you follow the green trail.