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"The return of the true protagonist"

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Be careful with your comment. The life of young Changeling's queen is in your hand now. Please guild her to the right direction and teach her the lesson of life.

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Ryan Sinclair

Give bird Samurai shovel sword


Switch over to the Young Queen and keep hitting away at the dragon before he can recover, while the Samurai hits the over side head with an Iaido Slash.


Throw bird samurai the shovel sword so she can Iaido slash nobliss


give bird samurai the shovel sword


Keep Hitting Nobilis and let Samurai Hit the side head with laido Slash.


IIRC, Bird Samurai can Iaido Slash and resheath faster than Nobody can react. Have her do that while Young Queen continues attacking from below. This time, however, have Young Queen power attack the solar plexus. Let's see if Nobilis can use his breath weapon when he has the breath knocked out of him.