[Voting] The Next Naughty Comic (Patreon)
Hello, my dear patrons. I want to announce you that our current naughty comic "[NSFW Comic] Crossover Story Act 3" is almost come to an end now. So It's about time for me to start to think about our next project.
Currently, I have 1 incomplete script of MLP naughty comic, 1 complete script of MLP naughty comic and 2 completed script of none-MLP naughty comic that was made by my past-self a long time ago. I decide to put none pony thing here just in case you interested for some change of scene.
Yet, I can't decide which one I will do. Because It would be you all who must decide which one you want to read! So let vote for the story you want to see next. ^w^
The deadline of this vote will be on Thursday of next week
Hope one of it may catch your interest!! >w<