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Andrew Pam

Hmm. I think noble Bird Samurai will have second thoughts and NOT use the Taboo Trick, because she and Young Queen need to defeat Nobilis honourably if they expect to make peace.


I mean it IS technically a 3 on 2 fight so its already dishonorable, but I suppose we should wait until Bird Samurai deems it necessary


Ah, so not just taboo, but downright dishonorable. In that case, no.


With Nobody and our Vine friend, it's closer to 3 on 3 than it might seem.


Let's not upset the bird. Change command to "Use cloud cover to sneak underneath him." That last picture definitely looked like nobilis sent enough dirt into the air to hide a person.


Yeah okay, lets NOT use the Taboo Trick then.


Then use berserk instead

Julian Fratzscher

Fine, you overgrown Kiwi, then lets not do that.


go for the legs joints


Bird Samurai uses Berserk instead.

Ryan Sinclair

No you shouldn't use a taboo Trek, however the Dragon can use all the taboo tricks he wants in fact he's probably going to pull out an item that's going to be really taboo to use on you.


berserk then


Fine, use berserk, just know you've no fun birdy