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*Mane-Iac jumped away from the mystery figure behind her, but the damage had already been done. She could feel some metallic bands wrapped the entirety of her mane and her tail together at the their own respective bases. Both radiated with power, a power that was able to shut down her tendril-like functions in her mane and tail...now both were falling limp, like simple hair*

Mane-Iac : W…What did you do?! Why can’t I move my tendrils!?! *She turned to face the one who dared to attack her…the owner of the room.*

Humdrum : It’s just a little toy that I asked my scientist friend to create from a special ore, with the ability to cut out your tendrils from your control. It’s nothing but a ordinary mane now. *He stands proudly with a full smile in front of his bed. He appeared to be fully awake, as if he was awake the whole time, and didn’t just wake up from slumber at all.*

Mane-Iac : How dare you!! Gahh!! These bastard bands!! *She tried to slip off the metal band with her hooves, but it remained stuck fast. It never moved along her mane and tail at all, it remained stubbornly stuck at the place Humdrum had locked them at.*

Humdrum : Don’t bother to break or take it off Mane-Iac. I ensured that the metal band was strong, your weak hooves are untrained and powerless, you will be unable to break it and they will remained locked in place where I have left them forever…That is, until you have the key, and this key is the only way to get them off. *He swings a little key in his hand with his finger like a joker, mocking his defeated villain.*

Mane-Iac : Give that to me, you fool!! *She tried to snatch the key away from Hundrum with her hooves again and again, but he was simply too fast, and was able to easily avoid all her attempts…Or maybe it was just Mane-Iac herself that had become slower, because she used her tendrils to do her work so often, her hooves had weakened significantly from lack of use. Without her tendrils, she was just another ordinary mare without superpowers.*

Humdrum : How does it feel, to be as powerless as me? A hero without any superpowers? *He sees his opponent had finally stopped attacking him in order to get the key and had simply stood away from him, panting exhaustively after using physical actions that were neglected for so long by its owner.*

Mane-Iac : S…Shut up. *She yelled with a shivering voice over her gasping*

Humdrum : Anyway, I wonder why did you come here? Did you simply want to spy on me? Or do you have some perverted, twisted mind that wants to see me masturbate for your sick pleasure? *Grins*

Mane-Iac : W-WHAT!! W-what makes you think I watched you do that?!! *Tried to make a disgusted face, but her face visibly blushed…and something else below was also starting to betray her…*

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Can't wait to see what happens next!!


Every time I look at Spike in the pic I keep seeing the key as a smoking pipe and it's hilarious.