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*Mane-Iac watched and waited, until Humdrum finished what he was doing and proceeded to turn off the lights. She waited until she was sure that he had finally fallen asleep, hearing his snores, she slowly opened the window that was surprisingly not locked and made her way silently went into the room. She took out a personal light stick, small enough to let her see immediately around her, but not bright enough to stir Humdrum from his slumber*

Mane-Iac : So young, so naïve, you are a protector, yet you are unable to protect yourself, I could even kill you now and you would never even know who ended you… *She gazed upon the body of the sleeping hero under his thick blanket, her tendril-Mane silently approached the defenceless hero…But she stopped before touching him*

Mane-Iac : But that just isn’t who I am. *Small, quiet evil laugh* I am a trickster, a villainous trickster, but not a killer; no…I’m not a murderer, a dead man isn’t fun to play with after all. *She might be a villain, but she isn’t a villain who kills. She just loves to have fun and cause chaos over the town, because ruining their perfect peaceful day brings joy to her own. Never once, has she considered killing or hurting anypony so badly that they died…no, that’s just not her style*

Mane-Iac : Now, let’s find what is the secret of your power, my little Humdrum. *She turns away from the bed, searching everything in the room, until she discovered quite the colourful magazine laying on the wooden desk with the interesting cover title: “The Power Ponies’ Villains : Know All About Them”. She carefully opens the book and became shocked upon seeing the contents inside*

Mane-Iac : Oh…He has a book filled with complete information of all the Power Ponies’ villains!?! *Continues to turn more and more pages until…* And here is my page…My name, powers, where and when I was born, colours, length of my tendril-mane and tail, number of tendrils, my weaknesses…*Sweating*…great…he even knows the only weakness I have that can stop my tendrils too…Crystonite, hmm…That was actually something that even I didn’t know about either…So, this is the secret of his power? *Click* He knows everything about his opponents…he know me more than even I know about myself…*Click* Hmm? What’s that noise!?

*Mane-Iac felt something lock onto the base of her mane and tail, then suddenly, all objects that she was holding with her tendril-mane fell to the floor, including her mane and tail, just like if her powers were no longer working. A cold feeling ran down along her spine, when someone behind her spoke with a familiar voice*

??? : Not just that, Mane-Iac…There is still another secret….

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Damn Spike should get those village eyes from smash


*Imminent Fear*


So Spike is like Batman.