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"Face to faces"

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Be careful with your comment. The life of young Changeling's queen is in your hand now. Please guild her to the right direction and teach her the lesson of life.

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Ali: Dragon… Remove the grid face or I’ll gut you…


Dart underneath and use an Iaido Slash on their belly!


Eh, why not? Use Taboo trick


Well darn. I was hoping we'd get to cut the tail as we parried it. Good to know that that doesn't work though. Looks like he's spinning around rather quickly toward his right, meaning there's more weight on his left legs. Slide under him and Iaido Slash. He'll likely think we're going for his belly, but instead aim at where his left front leg meets his body. This should cause him to lose balance from the spin and fall leftward.


Iaido slash on leg


Go under him and attack his legs