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"Prepare ultimate skill"

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Be careful with your comment. The life of young Changeling's queen is in your hand now. Please guild her to the right direction and teach her the lesson of life.

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We should have Bird Samurai use Perfect Guard to halt their charge, hopefully at least enough to let us get off the Tornado!


Can young queen order the samurai to attack the right head?

Ryan Sinclair

all the heads are focused on you now so this is the perfect opportunity for the bird Samurai to attack


Continue your attack let the bird samurai deal with the hydra

Julian Fratzscher

Order Bird Samurai to use Perfect Guard.


Order Bird Samurai to use Iaido Slash or Perfect guard


... Wait, am I the only one surprised by the fact that the left dragon was actually the Roc's lover, and that the entire fight had been a set-up to test the Princess? Well, I agree, this is the perfect time for the Bird Samurai to strike, or defend us.


Tell the Bird Samurai to strike and interrupt them.


Have the bird Samurai strike one of his legs while he's focused on us


Give Bird Samurai the signal to attack. Then hold the Tornado long enough for her to get clear.


Tell Bird Samurai to use Iaidõ Slash on Nobilis' chest & quickly get to safety

Leonard Rinehart-Mann

Tell Bird Samurai to attack Noblis' legs. If we can disrupt his sprint and trip him up, it should leave him vulnerable for a moment.